Confidence Interval Calculator

Our tool simplifies confidence interval computations by harnessing cutting-edge algorithms and industry-standard formulae. Just process the needed variables with our straightforward confidence interval calculator and easily streamline your statistical analysis.


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Confidence Interval — Definition and Formula

Confidence interval is a useful statistical tool that quantifies the degree of uncertainty around a sample statistic. This concept takes assistance from the sample data and a ratio of confidence level to offer a range of values within which the true population parameter is likely to fall. For instance, if the population parameter is mean, the confidence interval will be an approximation of potential population mean values. The calculation of confidence intervals usually depends on the knowledge of the population standard deviation. Therefore, its calculation differs depending on whether the standard deviation is known or unknown. Here is the confidence interval formula for the known population standard deviation (σ):

x + Z σ n

For unknown standard deviation, the sample standard deviation (s) and t-distribution are used instead of σ and standard normal distribution respectively. Here is how the formula of confidence interval for uncertain population standard deviation will look like:

x + t s n

In above expressions, ‘x̄’ represents the ‘sample mean,’ ‘Z’ indicates the ‘Z-score corresponding to the desired confidence level,’ ‘t’ denotes the ‘t-score corresponding to the desired confidence level and sample size,’ ‘σ’ points to the ‘population standard deviation,’ ‘s’ is the ‘sample standard deviation’ and ‘n’ refers to the ‘sample size.’

How to Compute the Confidence Interval via Its Formula? — Examples

Researchers and analysts use the confidence interval metric to draw conclusions on population parameters and make informed decisions. Therefore, let’s understand the calculation of confidence interval with the help of a real-life example.  Imagine a scenario where a trading business wants to use the findings of a customer satisfaction survey in order to determine how good their service is. The company asks customers to rank the quality on a five-point rating system, where one represents the lowest quality and five represents the greatest quality. Determine the confidence interval for a sample size of 25, a sample mean of 4.5, a standard deviation of 2.5, and a 97% confidence level.



Sample size (n) = 25

Sample mean (x̄) = 4.5

Confidence level (Z) = 97% = 0.97 (indicates the probability that the calculated outcomes will be the same for every client in the given population)

Standard deviation (σ) = 2.5

By substituting these values in the confidence interval formula for the known standard deviation, the main equation will become,

CI = 4.5 ± 0.97 2.5 25 CI = 4.5 ± 0.97 2.5 5 CI = 4.5 ± 0.97 (0.5)
CI = 4.5 ± 0.485 CI = 4.985, 4015

Since the computed confidence interval value is between 4.015 and 4.985, it is probable that customers will give the service quality a four-to-five-star rating.

Various Types of Confidence Intervals

The area of statistics includes several forms of confidence intervals for performing various sorts of data analysis and dealing with diverse scenarios. These are the most prevalent types of confidence intervals:


Bootstrap Confidence Interval

Bootstrap confidence interval is a non-parametric system of measurement that estimates the uncertainty surrounding a statistic by resampling the data and making minimum assumptions regarding the underlying distribution.


Normal Distribution Confidence Interval

Normal distribution confidence interval is appropriate for scenarios with bigger sample sizes and a known population standard deviation.


Proportion Confidence Interval

Proportion confidence interval is ideal for estimating population proportions from sample data.


T-Distribution Confidence Interval

T-Distribution confidence interval is appropriate for scenarios with smaller sample sizes and an uncertain population standard deviation.

Introducing Our Confidence Interval Calculator

The computation of confidence interval requires complete understanding of this concept, meticulous attention to detail and top-notch calculation skills. But our confidence interval eliminates the needs for these requirements. With our tool, you just need to perform the following steps in order to calculate confidence interval: Input sample size (n), sample mean (x̄), standard deviation (σ or s) and percentage of confidence level.


Process the entered values by clicking on the ‘Calculate’ button.


In a few seconds, our tool will complete the calculations and provide the output.


Interpret the results correctly to make decisions with confidence.

Hint: The ‘Clear’ button will erase all the values.

Key Highlights of Our Confidence Interval Calculator

Our confidence interval calculator has made it effortless to derive meaningful insights from any data. Discover the complete potential of our tool by experiencing the following key features:


Easy-to-Use Interface

Customizable Results

Complete Accuracy

Seamless Compatibility

Our tool boasts an intuitive UI for calculating confidence intervals. Therefore, users of all experience levels can utilize its functionality and benefit from the results.

This online utility allows entering customized confidence level, sample mean, sample size, and standard deviation values. Therefore, users can enjoy tailor-made results in this tool.

Our confidence interval calculator operates on robust technology and industry-standard CI formulae. Therefore, the tool has been programmed to deliver accurate and reliable results every time.

This online utility offers seamless compatibility across all desktop devices and smartphones. Therefore, users can access this tool anytime, anywhere.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! You can customize the confidence level value after calculating the interval because our tool allows room for flexibility in statistical analysis.

It is simple! The confidence interval is made up of a lower and upper bound within which the actual population parameter is expected to fall with a particular degree of certainty. For instance, a 95% confidence interval indicates that around 95% of the generated intervals would include the real population value if the sampling procedure were to be repeated several times.

Yes! Our confidence interval calculator is available for free because we want analysts, researchers, and students to be able to make confident judgments based on information.